Aslan Ticaret Dayanıklı Tüketim Malları Ltd. Şti.

Company Information
Since its inception in 1980 with just 10 product types, Schafer, a pioneering company in the glassware sector, has expanded its offerings to encompass hundreds of products across various categories. With a wealth of expertise, Schafer remains committed to delivering high-quality products, aiming to be a brand that is “comfortably accessible” to all. In 2013, Schafer opened its inaugural retail store in Istanbul, and as of 2024, it has expanded its presence to 26 major cities, boasting 68 stores designed in line with contemporary merchandising trends.Schafer captures consumer dynamics and exports its quality product range to over 20 countries, delivering swiftly and reliably with its efficient shipment network. Schafer exports its products to AZERBAIJAN, TRNC, KOSOVO, MACEDONIA, ALBANIA, RUSSIA, UZBEKISTAN, TURKMENISTAN, IRAQ, LIBYA, LEBANON, and KUWAIT.

Competitive Advantages
Schafer operates in the market with an extensive array of products spanning glassware, small household appliances, cooking essentials, and home textiles. It distinguishes itself with an innovative, dynamic design approach that is both cutting-edge and functional. Schafer's commitment to staying ahead of trends and prioritizing consumer needs is evident across all categories, with products that prioritize technology and functionality.